Penguin Puppet Craft (With Popsicle Sticks & Plates)

Looking for fun things to do with kids this winter? This adorable penguin puppet craft is a great way to celebrate the winter season, practice some fine motor skills and have so much fun!

Kids of all ages can use the free penguin puppet template in this article to make their own cute DIY penguin puppet.

penguin puppet craft

Why This Penguin Puppet Craft is Great

From mastering the art of precise cutting and assembling to exploring the chilly world of penguins, this fun penguin craft is a playful powerhouse for fine and gross motor skills, imagination, and even a dash of problem-solving. Kids not only create but also absorb a flurry of skills, proudly waddling away with a cute, educational masterpiece! 


  • 2 Paperplates
  • 1 Popsiclestick
  • White and blue paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • White and black pens
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Double sided tape
  • Construction paper (black, yellow, and blue)


1. Paint one paper plate with blue paint and let it dry. Next, paint small dots on top using white paint. You can use the tip of the paintbrush.

paint paper plate blue

2. Cut in half another paper plate. Then cut curves in it to look like snow mounds. Paint the back side of the paper plate white for this step (not the side you eat off of). Let it dry. 

cut second paper plate
paint paper plate white

3. Print the craft template and cut then trace the templates on the black, white, and orange construction paper. 

use template to cut craft pieces

4. Assemble them together with the black pieces and the penguin’s body at the back. Use orange construction paper for the penguin’s feet and beak. Glue the beak to the penguin’s white face and draw on two black eyes.

assemble penguin body
assemble penguin body

5. Glue a popsicle stick on the back of the penguin.

6. Cut a half circle of blue construction paper then draw lines to make it look like an igloo using white pen or white crayon. Attach it to the paper plate with glue.

blue paper cut into igloo shape

7. Attach the two paper plates together using the glue stick. Make sure to leave space for the penguin’s popsicle stick. If the glue isn’t strong enough, you can staple the paper plates together.

penguin craft

8. Insert your penguin puppet’s popsicle stick and make it move!

finished penguin craft

Template Download

Download the file below and use it to make the penguin puppet. The template includes instructions for what colors to use. This free penguin template is for your own personal use only.

penguin craft template download

Tips & Troubleshooting

Protect Your Space: Cover your work area with a washable tablecloth or newspaper before you begin this fun craft. This not only makes cleanup a breeze but also ensures your surfaces stay paint-free and ready for the next artistic adventure.

Kid-Friendly Paint: Opt for non-toxic washable paint, especially if you have little ones joining in the crafting fun. This makes accidental paint on clothing or skin worry-free and adds an extra layer of ease to the creative process.

Sturdy Bonding with Glue: When you’re attaching the two plates together, if your glue doesn’t quite do the trick, consider reinforcing with staples. Just remember, leave a little space for that popsicle penguin to slide in smoothly.

Stapling Tips: When stapling, ensure you don’t cramp the penguin’s style. Leave ample space for the popsicle stick, giving your puppet the freedom to move without any unexpected crunches.

Variation Ideas

Looking to change up your craft? Here are some ideas to make your penguin puppet uniquely yours. 

Try adding tiny googly eyes instead of drawing black eyes on your penguin’s face.

 Instead of black paper, you can use white cardstock paper and orange and black paint or markers to make this fun winter craft even more of a coloring project.

Change up the scenery! Instead of an igloo, what other places can you imagine for your penguin to live?

Benefits of This Penguin Puppet Craft

Fine Motor Skills Development:

Cutting, tracing, and assembling the templates involve precise hand movements, it’s a fun way to aid in the development of fine motor skills. This is especially beneficial for young children as it enhances their ability to control small muscle movements.

Gross Motor Skills Enhancement:

Gross motor skills like arm and shoulder muscles are activated during crafting. Children can also practice controlled arm movements and coordination as they manipulate the puppet within the crafted plate.

Creativity and Imagination:

The crafting process encourages creativity and imagination as children personalize their penguin puppet. They can experiment with different color combinations, patterns, and additional decorations, fostering a sense of artistic expression.

Educational Discussion on Penguins:

While working on the craft, take the opportunity to discuss penguins and their fascinating characteristics. To expand your child’s knowledge, share interesting facts about penguin species, their habitats, and unique behaviors. 

Seasonal Exploration – Winter:

Connect the craft to the winter season by incorporating discussions about snow, cold climates, and winter activities. This provides an opportunity to explore seasonal changes and broaden the understanding of the world around them.

Problem-Solving Opportunities:

Crafting often involves solving problems, such as figuring out how to attach parts securely. Encourage children to think critically and find solutions, fostering problem-solving skills.

Pride and Sense of Accomplishment:

Completing the craft provides a sense of accomplishment, boosting self-esteem. This positive reinforcement encourages a love for learning and the willingness to engage in future educational activities.

Final Thoughts

Let the penguin adventures begin! Crafting this adorable popsicle stick and paper penguin puppet is a great addition to any wintery day, unlocking a gateway to fine motor skills, imagination, and educational wonders. So, gather your little crafters, stage your own puppet show, and enjoy! Happy crafting!

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